Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Week 10: Blogging for business

As a serious local band, we want to treat our band like a business, but also be personal friends. It would be boring if we just saw ourselves as only bandmates. We like to be personal over social media, but not all of the time. For bigger bands, people are mainly following a band for their enhancing music. The bigger fans want to get to know about each member's personal life. Social media is the perfect example of demonstrating this type of logic. We apply this rule to our accounts, but don't want to be excessive about it. We've made posts with captions regarding controversial issues, silly pictures of us, etc. We don't want to pose as somebody we're not! It's a business, but there can't only be business minded posts. It also depends on the level of the business's professionalism. However, It would be too unreal if there weren't any social media posts with any personal touch.

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