Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 11: Post 1

FREAKS! will only be sending out 1 email per month. We don't want to annoy our crowd with emails; we would rather use the social media pages to make announcements. We want it to help us to build relationships with our fans, persuade people to listen to our music and to come to our shows and to acquire more followers. FREAKS! will have:
A welcome letter: This will explain what we have to offer when a person subscribes. 
Announcements: This informs subscribers about Upcoming shows, tours, and released music. 
Products: Will show the latest merchandise posted on our website and social media platforms. 


  1. I think you're smart for choosing to utilize social media over email. Your audience is likely more focused on social media and more likely to be annoyed by a weekly email. A monthly email with the kind of info you listed (maybe merch?) sounds perfect!

  2. I agree with Michele, however you can't discredit the power of email. You're approach to emails is safe. The last thing you want to do is annoy your customers. Good stuff!

  3. Hi Alexa,
    I think you are wise to use email sparsely. Social Media is a much better and faster way to interact with your audience. You could use emails for the extremely dedicated fans who want exclusive content or something like that.
